Wasserfall in der Sucha Bela

Wasserfall in der Sucha Bela

31.07.2020 @ Slovak Paradise (Slovenský raj)

Sucha Bela in Slovak Paradise

Hiking in Slovak Paradise (Slovenský raj)

This tour offers an adventure hike in the Slovak Paradise that you won't forget soon.

In the first part of the tour you hike through the "Sucha Bela" gorge with the help of wooden walkways, ladders and steps. At the end of the gorge, head towards the "Klastorisko Chata" hut to replenish your energy reserves with food and drinks. For the way back there is even the possibility to borrow a mountain bike for a few euros and ride it down.


12,0 km
4:38 h
Max altitude
958 hm
Min altitude
542 hm
Elevation gain
589 +hm
Elevation loss
589 -hm

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GPX download


The path is well marked. When purchasing the tickets, you get a free map, too.

Tip: An early start is advisable here, later it can get very crowded!

Equipment and safety instructions

The ladders and steps can often be very slippery, hike with absolute surefootedness!