Hike to Hoher Eimberg

Hiking in Brilon Wald (Sauerland)

The very varied route takes you from the Große Eimecke parking lot, between Brilon Wald and Willingen, to the Treiskopf and Hohen Eimberg.

There is a nice place to pause between the two mountains. You can expect wonderful panoramic views of the Bruchhausen stones and Brilon forest.


8,0 km
2:56 h
Max altitude
776 hm
Min altitude
506 hm
Elevation gain
355 +hm
Elevation loss
354 -hm

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From the parking lot "Große Eimecke" it goes up the Treiskopf . You start by looking towards Brilon Wald. After the first curve and almost 1km there is a crossroads. Here you choose the opposite path and continue on the route. After 2km and 180 vertical meters you will arrive at another fork. A look to the left and you see the Fohrenkopf . The path, however, leads towards the mountain summit of the Treiskopf. To do this, hike along the second path from the right. My tip: The very right path (probably a grass path) leads to a large meadow with a high seat, from there you have a great view of the Brilon Wald and the Bruchhausen stones.

If you now continue on the official route, after 700m there is a junction which leads to the Treiskopf. The rest of the tour, however, continues the route, which also partially marks the border with Hesse. About 1.2 km further you leave a small forest. Straight ahead is the summit of the Hohen Eimberg. You can also hike up here.

The way back is on a path, in the direction of Hoher Eimberg, to the right of the small forest section mentioned. After leaving the path you have a fantastic view of the Bruchhausen stones and Brilon Wald. The further path leads along the path 200m on a gravel path. You go down this dirt road a good 400m until you reach a tight bend. In addition to the curve, there are 3 other paths. Here you choose the third one from the left. Follow this path 500m down onto a gravel path. This dirt road leads you directly to the parking lot.