Bicycle frame like a picture frame

Bicycle frame like a picture frame

20.08.2020 @ Willingen (Upland)

Bike Arena Tour No. 27

Mountainbike in Küstelberg (Sauerland) & Willingen (Upland)

If you summarized this bike tour in one sentence, it could be as follows: "A route with ups and downs." This is exactly what characterizes the tour from uphill and downhill.

Especially those who do this tour without an e-bike should have a certain level of fitness. But you will also be rewarded with a super downhill to Küstelberg.


38,0 km
5:30 h
Max altitude
799 hm
Min altitude
546 hm
Elevation gain
1.078 +hm
Elevation loss
1.080 -hm

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